Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Glance of Australia

Australia negeri wol
Aborigin sukunya
Boomerang senjatanya
Kanguru binatangnya...

(kids song by Trio Kwek-Kwek)

First time I know Australia from the song above. factually the song not only tells about Australia but also other country like China, Dutch, USA, and of course Indonesia, where the song originated. the song was very popular when I was in elementary school. I have not get lesson about foreign countries at that time that is why the song become the first knowledge about Australia that enter my brain.

Yet when I was in sixth grade of elementary school I get lesson about geography of the world. May be because Australia is near to my country my teacher told much about it. however that I can remember only its state and capital city that should be memorized by the student.

Then in junior high school I 'met' Australia in the history subject, especially World Discovery. there I was introduced with James Cook an English man who found Australia.

And now I should understand more about Australia in my University. To know about Australia is not difficult thing for me because many resources are available. the difficult part is to understand about its literature. especially its ancient literature that mostly about Aboriginal people.

akhirnya ku menemukanmu...

subhanallah... ternyata aku pernah buat blog ini. Baru sadar! setelah sekian lama tak tersentuh akhirnya berekal iseng I found you blog. Udah lumayan banyak lagi postingnya. Semangat ngisi lagi deh. Siapa tahu someday it will be useful. Wellcome back to my life blog. Aku akan menjadikanmu rekaman jejak langkahku, tempat mengeringkan tinta-tintaku... semoga qita bisa awet sohiban ya...