Cinderella man a film by Ron Howard was produced in 2005. The film starts with the introducing the main character James J. Braddock. The audience firstly introduced to him by a quotation that promising a wonderful story of the boxer. The quotation states: “In all the history of the boxing game you find no human interest story to compare with the life narrative of James J. Braddock…” (Damon Runyon). This film begins with describing the beautiful life of James J. Braddock. He is described as a successful boxer with bright future. He wins most of his match and adore by many fans. He also has a happy family. He has a wife who love and proud to him and children who idolize him. They live sufficiency in a stylish house. Generally speaking James J. Braddock complies all of American mostly dream: wealth and popularity. The information about setting of the story is very clear. The story takes place in New Jersey. Yet there is written information of years related the context (great depression) in every significant changing of scene. It help the audience to watch the movie without leave the context and it give an emphasizing that it is a really based on true story. The conflicts rise when James J. Braddock’s life changes drastically. All of his successful life is gone. He only can provide a slum for his family to stay in. He has no money to pay gas and electric even to buy enough food. Moreover he is a not a productive boxer anymore. He seems too weak, old and unable to fight back his opponent. Finally his boss fired him. However his family still seems the happy one. He always acts optimist in front of his family. He tries his best effort to his family. The scene when he gives his breakfast to his child, Rosy, and how he make sure Jay that he would not sent his children a way are the best scene to describe his dedication to his family. The conflict still rising until Braddock family comes to their worse condition. Since James J. Braddock has no job anymore he tries to be a labor in the harbor however he cannot get the job every day because only seven until eight person needed and the payment is only several cents. He cannot provide enough food and the electric and gas is pull out from his slum. In those panic situations his wife sent the children to their other family without Braddock permit. Being frustration, Braddock takes away his embarrassment by begging money from his ex job partners. Then he can take back the children. Near the climax James J. Braddock get some chances to come back to the rings. He successfully wins the first match after fared. And the chance to fight a great boxer comes. The conflicts with his wife, Mae, arise anymore. His wife really worry with him because beside of the opponent that was very strong and often kills in the match Braddock’s condition also is not as strong as when he was still young. Some injure make him weaker. But James J. Braddock do not want detach this match. His aim is only to get money for his family. The climax comes when the match day began. And he knocks his opponent down with hard struggle. His success inspires American to wake up from the depression. It motivates them not to be hopeless and make sure them everyone has chance. The denouement showed with slide show of James J. Braddock pictures in happy events with the family after the great match. Yet the written information about what is happens in the next James J. Braddock life is added. Those are describes the successful of Braddock until he dead.
Cinderella Man acclaimed as biographical film since it tells a story life of a phenomenal boxer James J. Braddock who struggle against difficult life during great depression. Ron Howard tries to emphasize the originality of the true story through written information explains the setting through the film and close the film with written story of James J. Braddock. The historical background that is portrayed in the film can be said accurate since it describes the setting of social condition in the great depression detail enough. As we know that one from four person at that time are employed the clear description can we see from the scene when many people beg job in the harbor but only several of them that is needed. The bankrupt of the industry also portrayed when James J. Braddock discusses about his failed in buy some stock from taxi factory that he thought as the most potential factory with Mike Wilson who also has been bankrupt from his business. In the discussion Wilson also mention the US president at that time Herbert Hoover and FDR the real organization for solve economic problem at that time.
The last is James J. Braddock is not a fictive character. He is a real boxer. The name of others boxer in the film such as Tommy Loughran, John Corn Griffin, Max Baer are also real. Although there are many action scenes in this movie, it disposed to be included in drama. The color of the film that is can be said homogeneous or un-colorful strength the drama element. The colors in the film that are mostly black, brown and gray give un-cheerful or vague tone. The colors mostly appear from the actors’ costume. Another cinematography that is protrude in the film is the camera technique. The cameras technique in the film is protrude mostly at the scene takes place on the ring especially in boxing match. The camera often zoomed to detail the movement of the boxer when they hit the opponent and the injuries that hurt the boxer. The camera speed during the boxing match also gives certain impression. For example sometimes it take in slow motion to detailed the movement or to dramatizes the story or sometimes it take fast to stimulate audience adrenaline.
In the Cinderella Man the director tries to portray the Great Depression in its dramatic view. The strongest entertainment element in the film is the narrative quality of it. This film meaningful for the audience since it motivates the audience to keep struggle and avoid hopeless. Yet according to some expert Cinderella Man also has good cinematography. The director success enough performs this historical drama. However entertainment elements seems stronger that its historical element.
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